Foods Provided
The Pantry provides a variety of healthy food products and basic need items. Foods available include but are not limited to: bread, fruits and vegetables, grains, meats and dairy. Local merchants and farmers generously donate some of the products, especially during the summer months.

The Pantry serves those in need living in Zip Codes: 14034, 14035, 14057, 14091 and 14111. The Pantry gives out approximately nine meals per person on each visit. 

Hours of Operation
The Pantry is open every Wednesday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The Pantry will be closed during periods of inclement weather whenever the North Collins schools are closed. Listen to your local radio and TV station for school closings. If you have questions, please call 716-374-5683

Registration and Food distribution
New clients may register on Wednesdays between the hours of 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM at the Pantry
 Clients may come to the Pantry two Wednesdays per month (whichever are the most convenient).
If an individual has an urgent need for food they may call the Pantry at 716-374-5683 and make arrangements for pick up.

A person is eligible for food assistance twice a month if they verbally attest that they fall into one of the following categories:
a.) If the person or someone in their household participates in one of the following assistance programs: SNAP, WIC, TANF, Unemployment, Disability or SSI.
b.) If the person's income falls within the following guidelines listed below for the number of people in your household (as of 1/1/2024), you are eligible for food assistance.

Household Size        Annual Income
             1                            $33,885
             2                            $45,990
             3                            $58,095
             4                            $70,200
             5                            $82,305
             6                            $94,410
             7                          $106,515
             8                          $118,620
Each additional        add $12,105

Please note that individuals will be provided with food on their first trip even though they haven't provided all the needed information.

Eligibility guidelines are set by USDA's - The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​